Friday 29 November 2013

1966 Captain America Spouting Shakespeare in Marvelese

In this commercial/bumper for the 1966 Marvel Superheroes cartoon shows, we see a poorly dressed Captain America spouting Shakespearean Marvel lingo at its audience.  According to YouTuber TheHoldingCoat, "Shot off the TV with Super 8mm camera, audio recorded on a reel-to-reel by placing the microphone near the TV's speaker, this is Captain America (played by Arthur Pierce) on WNAC-TV, Ch. 7"

One commenter even goes further, noting, "According to the new book "Super Boys" by Brad Ricca, this wild rant by a poorly costumed Captain America -- a local TV preview to the Captain America cartoons -- was written by none other than Jerry Siegel, co-creator of Superman."

THAT... is wierd...


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