Saturday 26 July 2014

New Images of Batfleck and Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman!

By: Chris "Sledge" Douglas

Fresh out of Comic Con, we have a number of sample images from the upcoming Batman V Superman film, a sequel to a film I have yet to officially review on this site (in fact, I was SO torn on it, I haven't reviewed much lately.  Well, that and a mix of busy-ness and laziness which I'll get to another time... maybe).

First off, we FINALLY get to see an actual official image of Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman:

I don't know quite what to think.  It does look like how Diana Prince is currently being portrayed in comics... but like others, I just wish the colors were a lot brighter.  Like Superman, I always thought Wonder Woman should revel in her bright red, gold and blue colors, not try to mute them out.  And it all seems a little too much like Xena.  It's a very superficial criticism, but it's all we have to go on.

We all remember the first image we got of Batman, don't we?

Having never been a HUGE fan of short-earred Batman (I've always been able to enjoy silver-age stories, but it always seemed a little wierd to me), I didn't exactly jump up and write about it.  It seemed fine for what it was.  And I enjoyed Dark Knight Returns a lot, so it was easy to see the inspiration behind this particular suit.  Though I do admit to having gotten a little too used to Nolan-verse Batman for this one to resonate with me yet.  And then a few days ago, Zack Snyder tweeted the following:

Here, we can see MUCH more of the Frank Miller inspiration, including the Bat-Stubble, and the DKR Bat-Chin.  I must admit he's looking pretty badass here.  He does look like a gruff old tough guy.  Again, I like it on a superficial level, but it remains to be seen how it will go over when we see him in action.

Finally, an unofficial official image leaked from the Comic Con exclusive trailer:

All sorts of Miller here, with the Bat-Armor.  

How much of this is going to be based on DKR, story-wise?  Who knows, but judging by everything, I think the utter destruction of Metropolis from Man of Steel is going to play a huge part.

SPOILER WARNING - Leaked Comic Con Trailer!


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